Monday, January 10, 2011

Grey Knights are headed our way this April.

Here is what just came out from GW.

As the Emperor prepared for his final confrontation with the traitor Horus, he granted one final gift to Mankind, a safeguard and protection against the horrors of the Warp - the Grey Knights. A brotherhood of warriors as elite as they are secretive, the Grey Knights are a shining line of silvered steel that stands between humanity and the Daemons of Chaos.

Trained as the mightiest paragons of mental fortitude and martial discipline in the Imperium,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Adepticon then.

Last you was my first time at Adepticon. Played the big 3,( Gladiator, Championships, and the National Team Tournament) I/we did all right. i wasn't last in any of them, but i was close. I'm doing it again this year. I must hate myself. LOL. Here are some pics from last year.


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